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Peace: “Bells for Aleppo”, Finland issues an initiative to stop massacres in Syria. Churches all over the world join in

Started on 12th October by the Lutheran parish of Kallio, Helsinki, the #bellsforaleppo initiative is involving more and more churches of all denominations and in many European and non-European countries, which toll their bells every day at 5.00 pm to commemorate Syria and its deaths, and to ask that the massacre be put an end to. “The bells will keep tolling every day until 24th October, the UN Day”, Teemu Laajasalo, vicar of the parish Kallio, explains: “There are no reasons to explain the bombing of humanitarian aids or churches. There are no reasons to destroy the lives of civilians and of the many children”. The initiative, which just two days later had already been joined in by 200 parishes, is now welcomed by individual denominations and is supported by the Conference of European Churches, the World Lutheran Federation and the World Council of Churches. “Hopefully, all the Churches, communities and individuals will be willing to join in and take part in the protest and in our demand to put an end to killings in Syria”, Teemu Laajasalo went on to explain. An updated map of participating Churches is available at

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