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Brexit: May’s Government avoids Westminster’s vote. It will open negotiations with the EU without going through Parliament

Westminster’s Parliament will vote on Brexit, but only in two years’ time, when the negotiations are over, not right now, as wanted by a manager and a hairdresser who appealed to the High Court to have the House have its say on the result of the 23rd June referendum, when 52% of voters voted out of the European Union. Downing Street confirmed that it is up to Prime Minister Theresa May to invoke article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty at the end of May so as to start negotiations with Brussels, which should end in 2019 with no need for London’s Parliament’s opinion. The High Court of London is hearing the arguments put forward by the lawyers of Gina Miller, manager of an investment company, and of Deir Dos Santos, a Spanish hairdresser, supported by the “A fair deal for expats” group, that brings together the about two million British citizens who live and work in other EU member states and whom the terms of Brexit will impact on. According to the weekly paper “Economist”, the British Government is defending its privilege to start and end the process of separation from the European Union without giving Parliament a voice, because it fears the so-called “remainers” could overturn the result of the public referendum. The majority of the MPs actually wanted Great Britain to stay in the EU.

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