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Council of Europe: trilateral summit on growth. Then, leaders’ summit on migration, Russia and trade relations

(Brussels) Engines at full blast in the headquarters of the Council of Europe, in Brussels: a “trilateral welfare summit” will be held tomorrow, 19th October, while on 20th and 21st a summit will bring together the heads of State and Government. The trilateral summit with the EU institutions, along with leaders of business organisations and trade unions, will be focussed on “Facing Europe’s common challenges: creating growth, jobs and equity”. The participants, as explained by the Council of Europe’s website, will mainly share their views “on three issues: the main challenges to be faced in the run-up to 2017’s yearly growth survey as part of the European semester; the key role of the trade unions in the implementation of the new agenda for Europe’s responsibilities; the lessons taken from the refugees’ social inclusion in the employment market”. The leaders’ summit due on Thursday and Friday will deal with three topics: migration (“The Council of Europe will discuss the latest developments and the progress made in its global approach and will issue guidelines”; the discussion will be focussed on the protection of the external borders, flows along the Central Mediterranean route, keeping and strengthening control over the Eastern Mediterranean route), trade issues and external relations with Russia, Syria and Isis in the foreground.

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