Portugal: National Week for Christian Education. “Offering a path to a full life”

From 21st to 30th October, the Portuguese Catholic Church will be celebrating the “National Week for Christian Education”, in the attempt to promote “an integral education, instrumental to the harmonious development of people and capable of paving the way to justice, peace and social welfare”. In the Pastoral Notice, “Educating – Offering a path to a full life”, drawn up by the Bishops Committee for Christian Education, the bishops consider that, “faced with the educational emergency, everyone must have the mission to contribute to the rich spiritual, humanist and moral heritage of the Church by offering educational schemes designed for the full growth of people and their free, responsible participation in the building of a fairer, more fraternal society”. The document presented to the press lists four key points. The first one says that “educating is setting people walking; it means being able to lead along the path of goodness and truth, learning to make progress, to grow all the time towards fullness”; the second one points at one of the educational deficiencies: “the lack of positive examples, that may make them discern between rectitude and deviancy, between good and evil”; the third concept expressed by the bishops highlights the communal dimension of education; lastly, the last point claims that “educating means training agents of change and social transformation”.

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