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Ccee: Fatima, meeting of the bishops of the Eastern Catholic Churches in Europe about pastoral care of migrants

This year, the yearly meeting of the bishops of the Eastern Catholic Churches in Europe will take place in Fatima (Portugal) at the invitation of the Patriarch of Lisbon, cardinal Manuel Clemente, president of the Portuguese Bishops Conference. At this meeting-cum-pilgrimage to the Marian sanctuary of Fatima, which will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the apparitions in 2017, the bishops in charge of 15 Eastern Catholic Churches in Europe along with bishops from several Bishops Conferences of Western European Countries (France, Germany, Portugal, United Kingdom and Spain) will discuss the challenges of the pastoral care of Eastern Catholic migrants in those countries. “Since the collapse of the totalitarian regimes in the Eastern European countries – as stated in a release issued today by the Ccee that is promoter of the meeting –, a massive flow of Catholic migrants of the Eastern rite, who therefore mainly belong to Churches sui iuris, have begun a new life in the Western countries. Twenty years later, with a fairly consistent flow of new migrants and the birth of the second generation among the newcomers, the welcoming local Churches, mainly those of the Latin rite in the Western countries, are called to face new challenges in terms of preserving the migrants’ cultural and ecclesial identity”. The meeting will also be attended by the prefect for the Congregation for Eastern Churches, cardinal Leonardo Sandri. The bishops will listen to the reflections of João Luís César das Neves, economist, about the problem of social inclusion, the stories of a Romanian family and a lecturer who works every day with migrants’ “children”, and then the relationship between the welcoming Church and the home Church. Guests will include the new president of Ccee, cardinal Angelo Bagnasco. The meeting will end on Sunday 23rd October with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, officiated by His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč, in the Church of the Most Holy Trinity and the crossing of the Holy Door of Mercy.

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