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United States: Mgr. Kurtz (bishops), “current political discourse has demeaned women and people of faith”

The “current political discourse” in the United States “has demeaned women and marginalized people of faith. This must change”, said Mgr. Joseph E.Kurtz, Archbishop of Louisville and president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, taking sides in the debate about the future president of the country, following the joint letter signed by all major religions and Christian denominations on the right to religious freedom, which has been called into question in a recent Report by the Commission on Civil Rights. “At this important time in the history of our nation – Mgr. Kurtz wrote in a statement received by SIR -, I encourage all to reflect on one of the founding principles of our Republic: religious freedom, which ensures the right of faith communities to preserve the integrity of their beliefs and proper self-governance”. Some recent reports have “sought to interfere in the internal life of the Church for short-term political gain”, he observed. “If true, this is troubling both for the well-being of faith communities and the good of our country”. “As Catholics – he went on to say –, we hold onto our beliefs because they come to us from Jesus, not a consensus forged by contemporary norms. The Gospel is offered for all people and for all times. It invites us to love our neighbor and live in peace with one another. For this reason, the truth of Christ is never outdated or inaccessible. The Gospel serves the common good, not political agendas”. The president of the US bishops also called on “public officials to respect the rights of people to live their faith without interference from the state. When faith communities lose this right, the very idea of what it means to be an American is lost”. “Politicians, their staffs and volunteers should reflect our best aspirations as citizens”, he remarked. “Our current political discourse has demeaned women and marginalized people of faith. This must change”.

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