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Pope Francis: World Food Day Message, “act politically, change lifestyle, and promote solidarity”

The Paris Agreement on climate change should not “remain simply as good words”. This is the hope expressed by Pope Francis in his message for the World Food Day that will be celebrated next Sunday, 16 October. “To act politically, to change lifestyle and to promote solidarity” are the three imperatives contained in the message in which Pope Francis focuses on the issue of climate change, expressing the hope that the Paris Agreement “do not remain simply as good words”, but rather that it is “transformed into courageous decisions able to make solidarity not only a virtue but also a working model in economics, and fraternity no longer an aspiration but a criterion for domestic and international governance”. There is a need to “retrace the causes of the current changes”, the Pope remarked, decrying the logic of consumerism and production “at any cost”, which threatens and modifies “the various animal and plant species”. Producing qualities that “give excellent results in the laboratory – Pope Francis argued – may be advantageous for some, but have ruinous effects for others”. The principle of caution, hence, “is not enough”; there is a need to “act in a balanced and honest way”. According to the Pope, when it comes to the genetic selection of plants, we should consider that the terrain will lose “its productive capacity”, and farmers will “no longer have pasture for their livestock”.

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