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Brexit: Scottish National Party threatens new referendum for independence from London

That’s the first step towards a second referendum, which might detach Scotland from the rest of the United Kingdom forever. Next week, Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the “Scottish National Party”, the nationalist party for independence and against Brexit, is starting a consulting process on the law which might take Scottish people to the polls again. However, the second referendum, named Indyref2, is just a threat for the time being, a weapon in the hands of Sturgeon, warning her British colleague, Premier Theresa May: we’ll make the referendum in case of a “hard Brexit”, fostered by the right wing of the Tories, asking for Great Britain to close the door to the European Single Market and the EU. “For Sturgeon, Indyref2 is a big risk because surveys say most of electors would vote against independence at the polls, as happened in 2014. And in that case, the separatist faction would no longer have reason to exist”, says Ronnie Convery, spokesman of Catholic Archbishop of Glasgow Philip Tartaglia. “After all, two Scots out of three voted against Brexit, and thus, Scotland wants to remain in the EU. A “soft Brexit” would be the loophole, for the Scots would keep the advantages of being part of the European Single Market”.

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