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Pope Francis: “invisible and voiceless” child migrants, “more rigorous and effective action” against those who profit from abuse

Among migrants, “children constitute the most vulnerable group”, because “they are invisible and voiceless: their precarious situation deprives them of documentation, hiding them from the world’s eyes”: this is the main concern of Pope Francis in his Message for the 103rd World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2017, which will be celebrated on 15 January 2017, on the theme of “Child Migrants, the Vulnerable and the Voiceless”. “The absence of adults to accompany them – the Pope explains – prevents their voices from being raised and heard”. For this reason, they “easily end up at the lowest levels of human degradation, where illegality and violence destroy the future of too many innocents, while the network of child abuse is difficult to break up”. According to the Pontiff, “the dividing line between migration and trafficking can at times be very subtle” due to factors that contribute to making migrants vulnerable, “especially if they are children: poverty and the lack of means to survive, to which are added unrealistic expectations generated by the media; the low level of literacy; ignorance of the law, of the culture, and frequently of the language of host countries”. The Pope points the finger at “demand” which is “the most powerful force driving the exploitation and abuse of children”. “If more rigorous and effective action is not taken against those who profit from such abuse, we will not be able to stop the multiple forms of slavery where children are the victims”.

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