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Poland: don Zareba (Un. Wyszynski), “Gradual transformation of traditional religiosity”

In Poland “processes of religious and ecclesial transformation are taking place”, but the laicisation of society always moves “slowly and surreptitiously”: this has been stated by don Slawomir Zareba, director of the Institute of Sociology of the Catholic University “Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski” in Warsaw. A review of the figures of the Statistic Institute of the Catholic Church, presented in early January, makes the prelate draw the conclusion that, as to Polish society, one cannot speak of “de-Christianisation” but rather of “a gradual transformation of traditional religiosity”, with a “rejection” of “ecclesial institutions”. Since 2008, the number of devotees who regularly go to Sunday Mass is steadily about 40%. “In Poland, the negative trends of the contemporary world are opposed to by the force of the Christian tradition and the modernising work of the Catholic Church”, claims the expert, whose assumption is supported by another figure: every Sunday, 16% of Polish people approach the Eucharist. “It is too early then to speak of a secularisation of Polish society, a process that has been going on since the Sixties in the Western countries”, goes on don Zareba, concerned however by the fact that in Poland “a certain kind of traditional religiosity is less and less appealing to the new generations”.

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