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Brexit: Mr Goodwin (Un. of Kent), Referendum in 2016. “Mr Cameron risks divisions among Tories”

Matthew Goodwin, docente di politica all’Università del Kent

June 2016: according to several British columnists, this is the date on which UK citizens will be called to decide in a referendum whether to stay in the EU or leave the “common home”. As Matthew Goodwin, Professor of Politics at the University of Kent and a renowned expert in Euroscepticism, told SIR, “One thing is certain: David Cameron will seek to avoid both the summer months, because of the large number of refugees who will attempt to cross into Europe during that period, and 2017, which will coincide with elections in France and Germany. The longer the referendum is postponed, the more unpredictable its outcome will be”. “At present – Mr Goodwin continued –, polls show that 55% of Britons want to stay in the EU and 45% want to exit, which is why it is in Cameron’s best interest to hold the referendum as soon as possible”. According to Mr Goodwin, David Cameron decided to give his ministers a free vote in the referendum “to avoid divisions among the Tories”. “The Prime Minister feared the resignation of key ministers in his Cabinet like Iain Duncan Smith and Chris Grayling”. “The migration issue is the focus of the negotiations that are being conducted by Mr Cameron in Brussels since UK voters demand a change in this area”, Mr Goodwin explained. “If the PM managed to secure a four-year ban on EU migrants receiving welfare benefits, then he could convince the electorate to vote in favour of remaining in the EU”.

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