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Anglican communion: from 11th to 16th January, meeting of the leaders of the 38 provinces in Canterbury

The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is asking to pray for the meeting of the Primates of the Anglican Communion, due to take place in Canterbury from 11th to 16th January. The leaders of the 38 Anglican provinces that make up the Anglican Communion, representing about eighty million devotees, will be there. The meeting had been convened by archbishop Welby last September for a review and a discussion with the leaders of the Anglican church in the world about the overall approach to the treatment of issues, on which differences have often emerged lately, as is known, such as homosexuality and women bishops. All this in the run-up to the forthcoming Lambeth Conference in 2018. “As we get closer to the Primates’ meeting – Welby writes –, we are aware that we will be addressing some issues that are very, very difficult in the life of the Anglican Communion, as well as hugely complicated issues that concern the whole Church of Christ and the whole world. What I would like to ask people is to pray, so that there may be wisdom and love, more than anything else. That Christ’s love for each of us, for each of us who are sinners, for each of us who fail, may make us able to love. And that wisdom may make us understand God’s call and purpose, and that in love and wisdom we may serve the world the way God calls us to”.  The agenda – as stated in a release from Lambeth Palace – will be decided in mutual agreement with all Primates. It will probably include violence on religious grounds, the protection of children and vulnerable adults, the environment, and human sexuality”.

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