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Pope Francis: to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Correct synodality must be promoted at all levels of ecclesial life”

A “correct synodality must be promoted at all levels of ecclesial life”, Pope Francis told the participants in the plenary assembly of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, whom he received in audience today. “Safeguarding the integrity of faith and customs – the Pontiff explained – is a delicate task. Performing this mission well requires collegial commitment. Your Congregation promotes the contribution of Consultors and Commissioners, whom I would like to thank for their valuable and humble service. I encourage you to continue to hold your weekly meetings and to address the most important issues in your Plenary or Ordinary assemblies”. According to Pope Francis, “a correct synodality must be promoted at all levels of ecclesial life”. Recalling the meeting organized last year by the Dicastery with the Doctrinal Commissions of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe to “address pastoral challenges in a collegial way”, Pope Francis observed: “in this way, you inspire in the faithful a new missionary impulse and greater openness to the transcendent dimension of life, without which Europe runs the risk of losing its humanist spirit that it nevertheless loves and defends”. Hence he exhorted them to “continue and strengthen cooperation with those consultative bodies that help Bishops’ Conferences as well as individual Bishops in promoting a sound doctrine in times of fast changes and increasingly complex issues”.

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