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Slovakia: Bishop Milan Lach to State Authorities, “stop moral and material decay of healthcare resort”

(Bratislava) – “Instead of objective dialogue and search for acceptable solutions to growing problems, we witness the arogancy of power, oppression and intimidation of honest and decent people who have courageously stood up and shown their attitude in public,” reads the statement of bishop Milan Lach, president of the Council for pastoral activities in healthcare of the Bishops’ conference of Slovakia. His appeal to Slovak government and all responsible politicians supports the public initiative of nurses working in hospitals who demand stopping of material and moral poverty in the area of healthcare. “Growing moral and material problems caused by unscrupulous plundering of this resort, humiliation of patients and hazard with their health, as well as the oppression of healthcare workers, have reached unbearable dimension,” writes Mgr. Lach, pointing to a fact that qualified nurses and doctors are forced to leave the country and search for decent work conditions abroad. “I turn to state authorities, especially to the prime minister and the minister of health, to start solving legitimate requests of Slovak nurses and to stop threatening those who clearly care for the good of patients. “Only the respect towards the others represents the way to salvation, while the journey of negligence and contempt leads to perdition and desperate loneliness. Please, show mercy to the inhabitants of this country,” concludes the letter.

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