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Pope Francis: reawakening “one’s sleepy conscience” before “poverty”. Poor are also those who “suffer because of their faith”

“God’s mercy changes man’s heart and makes it experience a faithful love, and, in doing so, it makes it merciful too”. This is said by the Pope in his message for Lent 2016, which will begin on 10th February, about: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice (Mt 9,13). Works of mercy in the Jubilee process”, presented in the Vatican today. “It is an ever-new miracle – the Pontiff writes – that God’s mercy may shine into everyone’s life, moving us to love our neighbours and enlivening those that the tradition of the Church calls works of corporal and spiritual mercy. They remind us that our faith is translated into concrete, everyday deeds, designed to help our neighbours in body and spirit, and on which we shall be judged: feeding, visiting, comforting, educating them”. So, the Pope explains, mentioning the bulla Misericordiae vultus, “I wished ‘that during the Jubilee Christian people may reflect on works of corporal and spiritual mercy. It will be a way to reawaken our conscience, often asleep in front of the tragedy of poverty, and go deeper and deeper into the heart of the Gospel, where the poor are the privileged of God’s mercy’”. In poor people, “Christ’s flesh ‘becomes visible again as a martyred, wounded, leashed, starving, fleeing body… to be recognised, touched and carefully taken care of by us’”. “An unheard-of and outrageous mystery”, especially “when the poor are our brothers or sisters in Christ who suffer because of their faith”.

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