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Pope Francis in Sweden: the words of the Lutheran archbishop Antje Jackelen and the Catholic bishop Arborelius

Antje Jackelen, arcivescovo della Chiesa luterana di Svezia

“I am very glad the Pope will be coming to Lund; in a time of big global challenges, we share the mission of announcing the Gospel with words and with facts”, the archbishop of the Church of Sweden, Antje Jackelen, stated at the news that Pope Francis will be there on 31st October 2016 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reform. The bishop of Stockholm, Anders Arborelius, stated: “I am glad this important ecumenical meeting will take place there. Lund used to be a Catholic centre in the North, and now the ecumenical situation in this part of our land is unique and interesting. I hope the meeting will make us look ahead, that we may be witnesses of Jesus Christ and His Gospel in our secularised land”. Lund has been chosen “for several reasons”, a release from the diocese of Stockholm explains: “The Lutheran World Federation (Lwf) was born there in 1947”; Lund is also the capital of “Lutheran Scandinavia, which has somehow affected the Reform”. The meeting, due on 31st October, the Day of the Reform, to commemorate the day Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the door of Wittemberg Cathedral in 1517, will officially mark the start of the celebrations. “The 50th anniversary of the start of Catholic-Lutheran dialogue will be celebrated” in 2017. “The Swedish Church, in close partnership with the Catholic Church and the Christian Council, will host the event convened by the Lwf and by the Holy See”, the release explains.

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