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Ukraine: Museum commemorating Babyn Yar victims to be opened in 2016

(Bratislava) – A museum will be established in Ukraine this year to mark the 75th anniversary of one of the biggest single Holocaust massacres – the Babyn Yar tragedy. During the Nazi occupation of Kyiv in 1941-1943, the place witnessed mass executions of Jews and Roma people. Almost 34,000 Jews were shot dead in only two days on 29-30 September 1941. The Ukrainian government has approved an action plan for 2016, coinciding with the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the tragedy, and the new museum should be a part of it. “Since we understand that the world is very fragile, we must pass on to future generations the memory of the mistakes of humanity, so that they are never repeated, under any circumstances”, said the Mayor of Kiev, Vitalii Klitschko. Along with the opening of the museum dedicated to the Babyn Yar Victims, there will be a range of other events and activities on the occasion of the anniversary. In September, an exhibition about the massacre of Jewish and Roma people and other crimes committed by the Nazis during the occupation of Kyiv will be unveiled at the premises of the National Museum of Ukraine. The plan also includes the restoration of several monuments of national importance in various regions of the country.

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