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Romania: new nuncio mgr. Miguel Maury Buendìa meets the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church

Da sinistra: mons. Mihai Fratila (vescovo greco-cattolico di Bucarest), mons. Ioan Robu (arcivescovo metropolita di Bucarest), mons. Miguel Maury Buendìa (nuovo nunzio in Romania) e mons. Petru Gherghel (vescovo di Iasi)

Mgr. Miguel Maury Buendìa, the new apostolic nuncio to Romania, began his mission in the East European country. Appointed by Pope Francis on December 5th 2015, the nuncio arrived in the Romanian capital a few days ago. On January 10th, he was received at the airport by mgr. Ioan Robu, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bucharest and president of the Romanian Bishops Conference, and by mgr. Mihai Fratila, Greek Catholic Bishop of Bucharest. On January 11th, mgr. Maury Buendìa submitted copies of his credentials to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lazar Comanescu, and, in Blaj, on Friday, January 15th, he met card. Lucian Muresan, Major Archbishop of the Romanian Greek Catholic Church. On Sunday, January 17th, the new nuncio was officially presented in St Joseph’s Cathedral in Bucharest. “Our Church is a minority in Romania, but it has always been living in communion with the Holy See and the Holy Father, finding in such communion the strength of its identity and its survival. Your being here as the Pope’s envoy is a blessing and a joy for us”, said mgr. Robu, as he received the new nuncio. The morning of January 18th, mgr. Maury Buendìa met Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church, with whom he talked about the relationship between the two Churches and about the matter of the real estate between the Greek Catholic Church and the Romanian Orthodox Church. Born in Madrid 60 years ago, the new nuncio has been in the Diplomatic Service of the Holy See since 1987.

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