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End-of-life: Fafce (Catholic Family Associations in Europe), “Pro-euthanasia statement stayed at EU Parliament”

(Brussels) “The written Statement on end-of-life dignity failed to reach the MEPs’ quorum” to go on: this has been announced with some satisfaction by a notice of the Catholic Family Associations in Europe (Fafce). “Clearly, the pro-euthanasia lobby is starting to be proactively at work within the European Parliament, and political attention might be diverted from what the EU could do to promote good practices in palliative care and in supporting families with terminally-ill members”, stated Antoine Renard, president of Fafce. The 95 MEPs who signed for it (out of 751) asked the EU Commission to “start a study on different forms of end-of-life services to find the best practices” and “promote exchanges between member states for the human dignity of all citizens at the end of their life”, in the belief that everyone should “be able to benefit from healthcare to end their life with dignity”. This Statement, Fafce reports, actually “promoted euthanasia”, in breach of the principle of subsidiarity. “Its failure shows that human dignity cannot be a battleground for political fights and cannot be exploited to serve some ideologies”, Renard went on.

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