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EU: Second energy policy summit to be held in Brussels

(Brussels) After Paris, it is the city of Brussels that has been chosen to host talks about the energy policy. Indeed, the second edition of the high-level Energy Policy Summit will take place in Brussels on 23 February, just weeks after the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). According to the organisers, “the aim of the meeting is to assess the implementation and impact of the legal and technical tools adopted by the EU”. The event will also be an opportunity to discuss how the EU should continue to develop and deepen its policies and initiatives in the energy field after the COP21, together with representatives of national and European institutions, authorities, industry, research centres, civil society and the media. Topics to be discussed during the event include “the new energy market design, the reinforcement of energy security, the role of consumers, the increasing share of renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy saving, the production of safe low-carbon energy, regional cooperation, transparency and governance, internal electricity market design, and a resilient gas market”, to name just a few.

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