Even in the light of the recent Encyclical "Laudato Si’", special attention is given to businesses in the sector, which have a "great" responsibility. Indeed, the "final objective should not be profit as much as offering travelers accessible roads to achieving the experience they are looking for. And businesses have to do this with respect for people and the environment". "At the same time – the Message reads -, governments have to guarantee respect for the laws and create new ones that can protect the dignity of individuals, communities and the territory" while "local communities are called to open up their borders to welcome those who come from other countries moved by a thirst for knowledge". Hence, "to increase tourism, especially in its most responsible forms, makes it possible to head towards the future strong with one’s specificity, history and culture" and "one billion tourists, if well received, can become an important source of well-being and sustainable development for the entire planet. Moreover, the globalization of tourism leads to the rise of an individual and collective civic sense". The Church, for her part, "cooperates in making tourism a means for the development of peoples, especially the most disadvantaged ones, and setting in motion simple but effective projects", in the awareness that "the Church and institutions should always be vigilant to prevent a billion opportunities from becoming a billion dangers". ” “” “” “

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