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Pope Francis: Message for the Day of Prayer for Vocations, “The Church is the home of mercy”

“The Church is the home of mercy, and it is the soil where vocation sprouts, grows and bears fruit”. This was mentioned by the Pope in his message for the 53rd Day of Prayer for Vocations (17th April (2016), issued today. “How I would like that during the Special Jubilee of Mercy all baptised people could experience the joy of belonging to the Church! And that they could rediscover that the Christian vocation, as well as the particular vocations, are born within God’s people and are gifts of the divine mercy”, started off Francis, who calls the recipients of the message “to contemplate the apostolic community and give thanks for the role of the community in everyone’s vocational journey”. “The Lord’s mercy forgives our sins and opens us up to the new life that is embodied in the call to following Him and to mission”, goes on the Pope who mentions the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee and the words of Bede the Venerable: “Miserando atque eligendo”. “Within the Church, any vocation is born out of Jesus’s merciful look”, he insists: “Conversion and vocations are like two sides of the same coin and never end relating to each other all through the life of the missionary disciple”.

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