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Pope Francis: Message for the Day of Prayer for Vocations, appeal for “accurate selection of candidates”

“Among pastoral workers, a special role is played by priests” and “the pastoral care of vocations is an essential part of their pastoral ministry”. This is reiterated by the Pope who, in his message for the Day of Prayer for Vocations, asks for “accurate selection of candidates to ordained ministry and consecrated life”. “Priests support those who are looking for their call, as well as those who have already offered up their life to serving God and the community”, goes on Francis, who soon after that makes an appeal: “All devotees are called to be aware of the ecclesial dynamism of vocations, so that the communities of faith may become, in the footsteps of the Virgin, a motherly womb that receives the gift of the Holy Spirit”. “The motherhood of the Church is embodied by the persevering prayer for vocations and by educational and supportive work for those who perceive God’s call”, writes the Pope: the Church “is the mother of vocations as it endlessly supports those who have consecrated their life to serving other people”. “We beg the Lord that He may grant a deep adhesion to the Church to all the people who are going through a vocational journey – Francis begged – and may the Holy Spirit strengthen communion, discernment and spiritual motherhood and fatherhood in all shepherds and devotees”.

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