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Slovakia: manual of bioethics distributed to all confirmees by Bishops’ Conference

(Bratislava) A “manual” of bioethics for youth has been published by the Bishops’ Conference of Slovakia with a view of distributing it to all those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. “The booklet comes from the conviction that each human life is precious and worth protecting from the moment of conception until natural death – the life of all young, old, healthy, disabled, ill and dying people”, explains Prof. Eva Grey, expert in ethics, healthcare and social work. The manual can be useful for all those who work with young people, representatives of youth organizations and communities, catechists, educators, priests, consecrated persons and active lay people who are interested in this topic. “Those who want to protect life are often seen as conservative or even fanatics, but it is necessary to stand behind the values. Under any circumstances, we must seek ethical alternatives to unethical procedures”, adds Prof. Grey. The booklet consists of eight chapters, explaining the attitude of the Catholic Church towards topics like abortion, prenatal diagnostics, assisted reproduction, embryonic research, end of life, genetic diagnostics, or organ donation.

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