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Austria: diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt, a booklet to explain Christmas to children

“A festive Christmas at home”: this is the new pastoral booklet that the diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt has published in the run-up to Nativity. The publication contains a full range of practical tips about how to live these holidays with a special approach for children. Many young families “are looking for common rites and texts specially written for the younger ones”, states a note from the diocese. Developed by the Catholic kids’ magazine “Rainbow”, in partnership with Catholic Action, the brochure consists of 20 full pages of tips: from Christmas Gospel in “child language” to prayers, family songs and reflections on the characters that are portrayed in the Gospel stories. In addition, the booklet includes instructions on how to make a cradle by hand, at home, and decorations with salvaged materials. In the foreword, the bishop of Carinthia’s diocese, mgr. Alois Schwarz, speaks to children: “Just like you, dear child, all children are a gift to their presents, likewise Jesus is a gift to all people, because with Him we can find the way to God”. “A Festive Christmas at Home” can be bought for 50 cents in any of Austria’s Catholic Action agencies or at

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