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Persecution of Christians: mgr. Kockerols (Malines-Brussels), “we are not intruders where Islam is the majority religion”

“Clear evidence shows that Christianity is the most widely persecuted religion in the world”. This is how monsignor Jean Kockerols, auxiliary bishop of Malines-Brussels and deputy president of the Commission of EU Bishops Conferences (Comece), began his speech at the Conference on inter-religious dialogue and the situation of Christians in the world, which took place in the EU premises yesterday, at the initiative of Antonio Tajani, deputy president of the European Parliament, responsible for relations with religious, confessional and philosophical communities. The EU Bishops’ leader voiced the opinions of all Christian confessions, who are all united and in agreement about such concern. In the Middle East, in the Indian subcontinent, as well as in China, Christians have been living for centuries, so it is “important to disprove the common opinion that Christians are intruders in the regions of the world where Islam is now the majority religion”. In addition, sociological surveys show that “the more the Christians, the lower the risk of extremism”, stated mgr. Kocherols, who asked three things of the EU Assembly: “specific international support measures” to help rebuild their homes and defend their places of worship, promote repatriations and social inclusion; that the crimes the Christians are the victims of be punished, and the offenders be tried; that international peace programmes may include Christian parties too.

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