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Germany: young Catholics protest against military action in Syria

The Federation of German Catholic Youth (Bdkj) criticised the military action planned by Bundeswehr (the German army) in Syria. “Through continued use of military action, we will not get closer to peace in the region. Syria does not need more warplanes”, said the Federal president and religious director of Bdkj, don Dirk Bingener. As to the decision announced last Friday which will have to be ratified by the Bundestag, Bingener asked for a critical reflection: “In particular due to the grief and terror that war has been causing in people for such a long time, we have a duty to find solutions that may be successful. So, what is that mission for?”. According to the president, “the painful experience of Afghanistan proved that peace cannot be brought by military action. What is needed instead is a global approach to the Middle East that may constantly advance the peace process”. For peace in the Middle East, financial flows, funding to terrorist groups and arms dealings must be monitored. “We need an honest, full discussion – Bingen said – instead of a totally hurried action. Young people want transparent and well thought-out solutions on such important issues as war and peace”.

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