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European Council: Tusk, “Agreement to protect external borders necessary”. “Schengen at risk”

Bruxelles: foto di famiglia al Consiglio europeo (foto SIR/UE)

(Brussels) “Leaders debated migration crisis management. All elements for a strategy are there, but there has been no agreement about hotspots and re-settlements, yet. Above all, we are not being able to protect our external borders”, “putting Schengen at risk”. During the night, President of the European Council Donald Tusk shortly describes the result of the first day of the summit of the 28 EU heads of state and government. Apart from migration, during supper, they talked about Brexit (referendum on the permanence of the United Kingdom in the EU), taking also stock of the signature for a future government in Libya. The European Council is meeting again today, at the Justus Lipsius building, “to debate – says Tusk – about Economic and Monetary Union, and the Union of Energy, as well as the fight against terrorism”. However, the first day was characterised by much debate, with different positions, too, but also by a cautious will of agreement among countries. Protagonists of the summit, each one in his/her own way: Angela Merkel for Germany, David Cameron for Great Britain, and Matteo Renzi for Italy. In the limelight: Mariano Rajoy facing Spain parliamentary elections next Sunday, and French President François Hollande; today, Hollande is speaking about terrorism and external threats, starting from Isis.

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