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Switzerland: ecumenical message for religious freedom and support to Christians across the world

“Speaking of religious freedom means claiming every human being’s right to live a personal and shared spiritual journey and to express their beliefs without pressures”: this is said in the message of the Swiss Bishops Conference and the Federation of Protestant Churches, whose delegations went to Lebanon (24-27 November) to express their solidarity with and to support the local Christian communities in their efforts. Every community must be given “the chance to organise its own life and express its own faith without obstacles, provided it does not disrupt public order”, and “the right to conversion, with no fear of retaliation, must apply”. In 7 points, the message states that religions are “key to life in society”, “a component of human life”, even if, “as any real human circumstance, they may be corrupted, manipulated or exploited”. They are thinking of the “terrorist organisations that have nothing religious about them, except the name”. The message makes a heart-felt appeal “to all political and religious authorities and to all local and international organisations, that they take measures to end civil wars and persecution”, and to Swiss Christians that they “express their sympathetic generosity”. To a secularised society, they ask “not to despise, reject or exploit religious belonging” based on terrorist or extremist facts.

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