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EU Parliament: conference on persecutions against Christians in the world

(Brussels) “Each month more than 200 Churches or Christian properties are destroyed. Every day, in all corners of the planet, systematic acts of violence or persecution are committed against Christians. No other religious community is the target of so much hatred, violence and aggression.” Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Parliament, responsible for relations with religious, confessional and philosophical communities (Art. 17 EU Treaty), promoted a conference on interreligious dialogue focusing on the situation of Christians in the world. The meeting took place this morning at the European Parliament (Paul-Henri Spaak building) under the auspices of the EP President Martin Schulz, who delivered the closing speech. Panel speakers included, inter alia, the Vice-President of the EU Commission Frans Timmermans along with Anthony L. Gardner (US ambassador to the EU), Andrea Riccardi (Sant’Egidio Community), Paul Bhatti (political and human rights activist in Pakistan) and Helene Berhane (Eritrea), who sang a gospel song at the end of the conference.

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