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Refugees: Erfurt (Germany), churches and associations join forces tonight against intolerance

“Everyone to Erfurt and Thuringia” for “a day of humanity”: this is the appeal made by the Lutheran Evangelical Bishop Ilse Junkermann, one of the many organisers of a charitable event in support of the refugees, “Mitmenschlich in Thüringen” (Charitable in Thuringia). The initiative is taking place today, starting at 6.00 pm: “We say no to requests for barbed wire and new walls”, points out the Lutheran prelate, supporter of a veritable “alliance” between religious confessions, associations and movements which want to give a message of hope and tolerance on a date that is symbolical for the history of Germany, the anniversary of the Crystal Night of 1938 and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989: “On November 9th 1938, lots of people were threatened, beaten up, killed because an enraged crowd felt they did not belong to our country. On November 9th 1989, a wall was pulled down – Junkermann said -. We say no to requests for barbed wire and new walls”. The event will take place in the cathedral square of Erfurt: the city’s bishop, mgr. Ulrich Neymeyr, will give a speech to emphasise the force of human warmth against intolerance. According to Wilfried Weinrich, director of the Maltheser for Thuringia, “sharing can neutralise hatred and violence”.

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