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Denmark: The Ecumenical Network of “Green Churches” welcomes St Vincent’s (Elsinore)

The Church of St Vincent’s, in Elsinore, Denmark, is now the first Catholic Church to be a member of the Danish Ecumenical Network of “Green Churches”. This has been revealed by the Danish Church Council in a message of welcome and joy “for the fact the Catholic Church is back on the green map of Denmark”. The Church of the Holy Family of Birkerød had been there, but then it had been closed down. The purpose of the Network is to encourage people, communities, churches and religious organisations to include environmental concerns into their thinking and practices. Being a “Green Church” means that you do information, celebrations, as well as run your own premises and initiatives sustainably. Last year, a workgroup had been set up within St Vincent’s community to monitor the conduct of the community and improve it on a list of 48 requirements for it to be eligible as a “Green Church”. “Some minor adjustments and new rules” were needed, commented Ulla Pinborg, coordinator of the parish’s workgroup, and “understanding that a church can be green in the way it buys stuff or disposes of waste as well”.

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