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Slovakia: a two-week festival of sacred art starting in Kosice on Sunday

(Bratislava) – Two weeks of intense encounters with sacred art start on 8 November in Kosice. The festival marks its 26th edition this year and the program will include music and theatre performances, lectures on various aspects of art and religion, exhibitions, symposiums and liturgical celebrations. The opening will take place at the Church of the Most Holy Trinity on Sunday, with the performance of vocal ensemble Gregoriana and its interpretation of Completorium Cassoviense. Other music performances over the following two weeks will include the interpretation of the works of Joseph Haydn, Giovanni Batista Pergolesi, Ferenc Liszt and Johann Sebastian Bach. For the visitors who are interested in history, there will be a presentation of “fragments of Kosice’s sacred history” and an exhibition of traditional artistic sacred works by Jan Krajci. The whole festival will have a strong ecumenical dimension, introducing topics like “Jan Hus and his message” with an emphasis on interdenominational dialogue. The main liturgical celebration will take place on 15 November and will be presided over by Mgr. Bernard Bober, Metropolitan Archbishop of Kosice.

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