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Ccee: Fr. Michel Remery, give a “heart” to Europe’s growth

“Is Europe growing towards maturity?”. This is the main question addressed on 5 November 2015 by Father Michel Remery, Vice Secretary General of CCEE, to a significant number of Dutch leaders of some 40 socially involved Catholic organisations (VKMO). For Father Remery, “the refugee situation of Europe and the difficulties to understand what we shall do makes us think. This also applies to the words of Pope Francis, who spoke of ‘grandmother Europe, which is no longer fruitful and vigorous’”. The Vice Secretary General of CCEE continued: “Economically, materially and technologically we are going forward, also due to intensified collaboration between States in Europe. But what about the human person who makes this progress possible? What is the vision of humanity in a society that thrives almost completely on economics and technology? When we speak of Europe growing towards maturity, we also must speak of its points of departure, the nucleus or the heart. If Christianity has always been the heart of Europe, however small it may seem to be today, there is always the certainty that the importance and dignity of every human being will be recognised as long as this heart will beat”. Then Father Remery concluded: “Precisely when Europe is growing towards maturity, the Christian voice calling for the dignity of every human being is ever important, because this is not our voice but that of our Creator and God of love. Christianity has so much to offer to Europe. It is up to us to let this message be spread: only then will we help Europe to become truly mature”. VKMO gathered to discuss the theme: “Europe is growing towards maturity. Possibilities and dangers in a process of growth”.

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