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Slovakia: Caritas warns against crisis in social and nursing care

Around 3,700 nurses face the risk of losing their jobs after the end of the national project supporting nursing services this month in Slovakia. Their work will no longer receive state funding, and they will have to seek new employment, which will be very difficult since charitable and health-care organisations have limited job capacities. Caritas Slovakia points to the fact that the project ends without any continuity, and for 2,000 nurses another opportunity for wage funding will only appear after several months, as announced by the Ministry of Employment. Furthermore, over 3,000 households with ill, disabled and elderly people will remain without social and nursing services, which may considerably worsen their living conditions. Caritas criticizes the approach of the state to this critical situation, appealing to the responsible authorities to take immediate adequate measures and take responsibility, so that “the most vulnerable who are not able to help themselves do not have to suffer”.

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