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Austria: “What I Believe In”, TV programme about silence to prepare for Christmas

The religious division of the Austrian State Television ORF will be broadcasting an innovative programme to mark the Advent season: a TV series of 4 episodes, one for each Sunday up to Christmas, entitled “What I Believe In”. The four episodes focus on the rediscovery of silence as a fundamental time and opportunity to meet God, and feature the silent witnesses of 4 monks from the Benedictine Abbey of St. Lambrecht in Styria. In presenting the programme, journalist Barbara Krenn, managing editor at ORF Religion, said a TV programme is usually made up of “images and words”: “What I Believe In” will be “a different programme”. We want to “let silence speak through television” as “mystical silence is a fundamental pillar for hermits”. The first episode features Abbot Benedict Plank discovering the silence of nature. It will be followed by Fr. Altabt Otto Strohmaier, an iconographic painter, Fr. Alfred Eichman, who will be praying in the public meditation room of the monastery, and finally by novice Brother Aaron Laun, engaged in night prayer. The series will be broadcast at 4.55pm on Advent Sundays.

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