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Luxembourg: diocesan commission “Women in the Church”, “protecting migrant women”

“Fleeing women are exposed to special risks. We want them to be more looked after”. This was written by the diocesan commission “Women in the Church” of the archdiocese of Luxembourg in a message on today’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Nearly one half of the world’s refugees and evacuees are women fleeing war, civil fights, regular discrimination, repeated breaches of their rights, forced marriage, explains the notice which states that, “in many armed conflicts, sexual abuse is part of the military strategy”. It refers in particular to Congo and to the Syrian and Iraqi regions that are now occupied by Isis. Victims of abuse are however also those women who flee and “are particularly vulnerable when they also have children to look after”; risks do not decrease when “at first they are taken in and housed in very limited conditions”, Luxembourg’s women point out. The diocesan commission calls people to pray on this day, especially for all those women who have already suffered abuse, that God “may grant them a new beginning”.

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