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Finland: ecumenical workshop in Helsinki about authority in the Church

Today, Helsinki will be the last stop in an ecumenical workshop on authority in the Church, organised by the Finnish Council of the Churches. Started last January, the workshop consisted of three meetings – authority as a gift, authority at the service of unity, and the bishop as the guardian of authority – in which a Catholic voice, a Lutheran voice and an Orthodox voice have always exchanged views. The workshop has been prompted by the document published in March 2013 by “Faith and Constitution”, the theological committee of the Ecumenical Council of the Churches, called “The Church: towards a shared view”. In Helsinki today stock will be taken of the workshop and its meaning for ecumenical dialogue in Finland. The dialogue will be chaired by the Lutheran Bishop of Tampere, Matti Repo, and by the Catholic Bishop of Helsinki, Teemu Sippo. Other guest speakers include Pekka Metso, an Orthodox theologian, and Heidi Zitting, researcher at Helsinki University and an expert in Lutheran-Pentecostal relations.

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