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Refugees: EU-Turkey, a summit by November. Rehoming: Juncker, “too slow, we’ll end in 2101 if we go on like this”

(Brussels) A summit “by November” between EU and Turkey for the refugee crisis in the Euro-Asian country; 3 billion euros’ funds to help Ankara handle the refugee camps and borders with Syria. In addition, a new stock-taking (probably at the European Council of 17th and 18th December) about the rehoming of 160 thousand refugees from Italy and Greece to the other EU countries, having found – as stated last night by the president of the European Commission , Jean-Claude Juncker, during the informal EU summit at Valletta – that rehoming is taking too long (130 refugees have been rehomed so far), and, “if we go on like this, we’ll end in 2101”. The EU summit followed the one between the EU and Africa, which had decided to allocate 1.8 billion euros to effective measures for the economic and social development of African countries, “in the attempt to curb the influx of migrants to Europe”. As to funds to Turkey, though, the discussion is still going on between Brussels and the other capitals. Firstly, because 500 million euros would come from the EU budget, “the other 2.5 billion”, Juncker points out, “must be provided by the other countries”; secondly, there are still strong doubts in many EU countries as to aids to Turkey, considered to be a key partner in the refugee crisis but also a non completely democratic country, a country that is not reliable in terms of regional stability. The EU Commission’s overall funds for the refugee crisis rise to 9 billion euros for 2015-2016.

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