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Refugees: Success of the diocesan initiative “Offer a helping hand” in Luxemburg

Volunteers are starting to work in Luxemburg on the diocesan initiative for welcoming and supporting refugees “Offer a helping hand”, launched at the end of September – it is said in a note made known by the press office of Archbishop Jean Claude Hollerich. Through a pastoral letter, he has invited Luxembourgian to go into action in each of the 38 pastoral communities, in order to meet migration emergency needs. In those five weeks, “32 people accepted to become ‘contact persons’ on parish level, and 5 groups of volunteers have already been operating in 4 homeless centres”, it is said in the note. Training courses started (three evenings), and 40 people took part in them. Four gatherings of fund were conducted. Dwelling needs are pressing, but in this field, too, there were generous examples: 5 private citizens made a dwelling available each. The company Lafayette also answered the appeal of Msgr. Hollerich, offering one dwelling and a warehouse, to be used as sorting centre. Everything takes place in collaboration with the other welcoming initiatives started beforehand by a few religious communities and Caritas, as well as the Red Cross, the Migration State Office, and the Social and Intercultural Training Study Centre.

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