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EU-Africa: Juncker (Commission), Fund to tackle the “root causes of poverty and migration”

“Through its long-standing development cooperation over the years, the EU has been substantially contributing to tackling the root causes of poverty and migration. Today, we are taking a step further”. Those words were spoken by President of the EU Commission Jean-Claude Juncker in Valletta this morning; alongside the EU-Africa migration summit, he actually launched – with a few EU member States and other European donors – the “Emergency Trust Fund” for stability, and for addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa. For the chief of the executive branch, the Fund “set up at a record speed, shows once more the EU’s commitment to swiftly reply to the large challenges we are facing in the African region”. “To succeed, we need to work together with other European countries and our partner countries in Africa in addressing the root causes of irregular migration and promoting economic and equal opportunities, security and development”. The Fund is 1.8 billion euros coming from the EU budget as well as contributions (mostly to be paid) of Member States and other donors. Up to now, 25 Member States of the European Union and 2 non-EU donors (Norway and Switzerland) announced a total contribution of about 78.2 million euros. The first meeting of the Trust Fund Management Council is taking place in Valletta today, “to grant the quick start of activities”.

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