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Coronavirus Covid-19 in China: Catholics on the front line to treat the sick and defeat the epidemics

Storage and distribution of medical supplies. Catholic volunteers and faithful involved in relief efforts and prevention of Coronavirus Covid-19. The first-hand accounts of the nuns who run the Catholic hospital in Renqiu. Although they are running out of preventive medical supplies and resources, the nuns continue to perform their daily medical duties

Catholics in China, at the forefront of helping cure people infected with Coronavirus Covid-19. Father Joseph Li, in charge of Jinde Charities and Xinde (Faith) Press, the local Caritas, a very active platform in the Chinese Catholic Church, sent photos and reports documenting the commitment of the Catholic Church in China to SIR. Efforts are in full swing to collect and donate medical equipment in order to counter the spread of the epidemic. Jinde Charities is working closely with ecclesiastical superiors, lay staff. Their major task entails the distribution of collected materials through a network of volunteers. Stocks of medical supplies have also been sent to Wuhan and other cities in Hubei Province, where the epidemic is more severe. The most requested materials there are disposable medical gloves, sanitary supplies, masks and disinfectant.

The report on aids and materials distributed by Jinde Charities is accurate and thorough. On February 8, 20,000 “quarantine clothing items”, 380 barrels of disinfectant, cotton swabs and other supplies were sent to Huanggang City Central Hospital in Hubei, Yanjiahe City Health Centre in Macheng (the newly created hospitalization and centralized treatment center), the seventh hospital in Wuhan City, to Tongcheng City People’s Hospital and Chongqing Wanzhou Disease Control Center.

Distribution of the supplies donated by Jinde Charities to Hubei was made possible by a ” green channel” set up by the government, thereby ensuring the delivery of supplies to the epidemic area in a safer and more effective way.

From 14 to 17 February, more medical equipment was sent to Jiang’an District, Wuhan (20 tons of disinfectants, 12,100 insulating gowns, 27,000 medical gloves, 600 bottles of hand disinfectant, 3000 KN95 face masks, 10,000 medical masks). Most of the materials were donated by the Chinese Catholic Church and delivered to each hospital according to their needs.

The Catholic Hospital of Renqiu actively participates in the efforts to prevent the spread of new Coronavirus together with the national medical staff. The Sisters – Jinde Charities informed us – have now run out of resources, and although they are exposed to risks – lacking adequate face masks, glasses, insulating clothing and other medical supplies – they nevertheless continue to carry out daily medical duties.

“We admit and treat many patients with fever, but there are few supplies for disinfection and protection. The medical staff (all nuns) are exposed to risks every day. Being the hospital director, I am extremely worried.”

The nun running the hospital told Jinde Charities that in order to minimize interactions and the risk of infection they did not ask employees who had gone on vacation for the Lunar New Year to return, so they were the ones who remained on the job. Needless to say, the workload is extremely burdensome. There is also a shortage of masks and those that are being used are not suitable for infection prevention purposes. The nun is asking for help.

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