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Spain: a “Decalogue” to “cure the planet” and “combat poverty”

Five bodies affiliated to the Catholic Church launched a campaign with the purpose of raising public awareness on the acknowledgement of a different development model, characterized by fairness, solidarity and sustainability, in order to change consumption models and lifestyle.

“By curing the planet we cure poverty”: it is the title of the campaign promoted by Catholic Church bodies in Spain, involved in cooperation activities, within the campaign United for Justice.”

The initiative is dedicated to the protection of the Creation. Its promoters include, in particular, Caritas, the Spanish Conference of the Religious (Confer), the Commission Justice and Peace, the charity body of the Spanish Catholic Church, “Manos Unidas” and Redes (network of organzations involved in solidarity and cooperative development activities). The campaign is aimed at raising public awareness on a different development model marked by solidarity, fairness and sustainability, to change consumption habits and lifestyle.

A new “mission” starting from “Laudato si’”. The point of reference of the campaign is Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato si’” on the care of the common home: The document, the promoters recall, “is an invitation to reflect and take part in authentic human ecology, for there are not two separate crises but one complex social and environmental crisis.” Moreover, the encyclical contains an appeal to “address the major challenge of the financial and economic crisis that constitutes a threat to the planet and to humanity as a whole, of which the poor are the first victims.” For these reasons, the initiative “United for Justice” has initiated this latest “mission”, also to respond to the Pope’s appeal “to listen to the cry of the planet and of the poor.”

“The campaign- said the promoters- will extend over a two-year period, focusing on two main objectives: to raise public awareness on the impact of the current development model and lifestyles at global level, notably the consequences on the lives of the most vulnerable.”

The second target is “to trigger changes in individual and community lifestyle, and in political decisions, in order to contribute to the development of a society that wants a planet liveable by all, not only for the present but also for the future and for the next generations.”

A “Decalogue” as a guide. “The fil rouge of the campaign, is a

“Decalogue” inspired by from Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato si”

that highlights the major challenges to be addressed every two months through reflection, prayer, testimony, support of people with concrete proposals.

The ten points on the agenda are: “”championing the cause of the poor” (September-October 2016); “Rediscovering the value of simplicity in life” (November-December 2016); “Valuing the importance of everyday behaviour ” (January-February 2017); “Appreciating the diversity of our world” (March-April 2017); “encouraging personal, community and ecclesial conversion, ” (May-June 2017); “making necessary decisions, however much they may cost” (July-August 2017); “Not to submit our actions to economic interests” (Sept.-Oct. 2017); “Immerse yourself in the spiritual tradition” (November to December 2018); “Consider science” (January-February 2018); “Overcoming technocratic paradigms” (March-April 2018).

Commitment for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, the promoters of the initiative underline: “The economic development model based on consumption growth is unsustainable, considering the pace and capacity of the planet. It also causes social inequality and violates the rights of vulnerable persons, especially in less developed Countries that suffer the consequences of the global struggle for natural resources, considered strategic.” The activities planned within the campaign include the will to

Develop dialogue with political and administrative players to ensure the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at national and international level.

A further priority is the defence of human rights in the economic and financial realm for the protection of vulnerable communities, such as the Amazonian populations.



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