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New Cardinals. Mons. Gregorio Rosa Chavez (El Salvador): “I dedicate this appointment to the Blessed Romero”

Interview with one of the five new Cardinals named by Pope Francis: Mons. Gregorio Rosa Chávez, auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of San Salvador (El Salvador), friend and collaborator of Blessed Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero. On June 28 he will be created the first Cardinal of Salvador, a recognition “to Monsignor Romero and the martyr Church”, as well as “to the Latin-American Church and the poor.” As for the canonization process under way, he said: “I am sure that history will show us that the Pope was right”

“A friend called me at 5 am to break the news. At first I thought it was a joke, I was dumbfounded. It was totally unexpected.” Mons. Gregorio Rosa Chávez, auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese San Salvador (El Salvador) since 1982, is one of the five new cardinals named by Pope Francis past Sunday who will receive red hats on June 28. He is still astounded and bewildered at the news. In San Salvador he is being congratulated by everyone he meets, all media outlets want to interview him. He is the first Cardinal from the small Central-American Country. As a young man he was a friend and an assistant of Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero, the archbishop of San Salvador killed in 1980 while celebrating Mass, Blessed on May 23 2015. To him the new Cardinal dedicated his appointment: “Yesterday I visited his sepulchre and kneeled down in prayer asking him to accompany me in this new stage of my pastoral life.”

How did you learn about the news and what was your reaction??

I was informed on Sunday, at 5 am. I received the phone-call of a friend in Spain, followed by that of the ambassador to the Holy See who wished to congratulate me. I was dumbfounded, I remained silent for a long time. I thought it was a joke. Instead I was told it was all true, the Pope had thought of me. I am utterly amazed. I would never have expected it.

What does this recognition mean to you?

My thoughts went to Monsignor Romero and to the martyr Church.

I believe that the Pope has taken these aspects into account. That’s why I dedicated this appointment to Msgr. Romero.

What were the first reactions of Salvador’s people?

The news travelled fast. The priest told everyone, with great joy and with many prayers for me. I am happy, the people prayed for me. I also received the congratulations of Salvador’s President Sánchez Cerén.

You also serve as President of Caritas Latin America, Caribbeans and of the national Caritas. Is it a recognition also to the poor?

Certainly. Numerous priests and bishops are sure that the Pope’s decision is

A recognition to the Latin-American Church,

A special Church that inspires the whole world. When the Pope refers to the historical assembly of the Latin-American Bishops in Aparecida he is proposing the following evangelization model to the Church: disciples and missionaries.

What needs to change in the Latin-American Church?

We need a Church that goes forth. Last week the meeting of the Latin-American Bishops’ Council, Celam , took place here in Salvador. The central theme was a poor Church for the poor, and Romero as the role model of this Church, thus a mission of evangelization starting with the poor. This is the originality of our Church.

The poor are the key for evangelization.

Since 1980 the canonization process of archbishop Romero had been experiencing a certain degree of slowdowns and diffidence, until Pope Francis intervened to unblock the situation.

The Pope did a beautiful thing, he decided to follow this road and promote Monsignor Romero.

I am sure that history will show us that the Pope was right.

We should prepare the people of Salvador to the grace of canonization, we must deserve it. The people must know his witness, his teachings, and seek his intercession. It is the path to achieve deeply longed-for peace.”

In August recurs the 100th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Romero. When will he become Saint?

We must respect the time the process needs. The medical commission, then the theologians and the cardinals must recognised the supposed miracle sent to Rome. For sure it won’t take this year.

Is your appointment a fruit of Romero’s witness and martyrdom?

I think so. The Pope wished to underline this aspect of the martyr Church that shows to the world the wounds of the dead and risen Jesus. Yesterday I visited his sepulchre and I kneeled down to pray asking him to accompany me in this new stage of my pastoral life.

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